日本 Sokan 海藻莖
Japan Sokan Wakame Seaweed
日本 Sokan 海藻莖
Japan Sokan Wakame Seaweed
日本 Sokan 海藻莖
Japan Sokan Wakame Seaweed
Sokan 海藻莖是日本便利商店的熱銷商品,提供柔嫩Q彈的口感。在日本生產,零脂肪及低熱量,但膳食纖維豐富。
Sokan Wakame Seaweed is a hot seller in convenience stores across Japan, offering the tender, chewy texture. Made in Japan, fat-free and low calorie with plenty of dietary fiber.
Sokan Wakame Seaweed is a hot seller in convenience stores across Japan, offering the tender, chewy texture. Made in Japan, fat-free and low calorie with plenty of dietary fiber.